The Revolt Health Network is a membership-based network model of the most commonly used outpatient services bundled together for easy patient access for a low monthly cost.

The Revolt Health Network is not an insurance product, a managed care organization or an organized delivery system. 

The Revolt Health Network does not guarantee the availability or provision of healthcare services nor is it a substitute for comprehensive health insurance coverage.

Anyone in the continental United States can subscribe.

Nope. Anyone can subscribe and start saving right away!

Within 24 hours of purchasing your membership, your portal will be ready for you to login and start using! 

The Revolt Health Network enables direct provider/patient relationships eliminating the high cost and hard to access barriers associated with insurance products.

Membership fees paid for the Revolt Health Network are not reimbursable through health insurance plans. 

The Revolt Health Network does not provide access to specialty care, hospitalization or other healthcare services beyond primary care resources.

Yes. This incredibly low pricing is made possible by your minimum 12 month subscription. 

You can have up to 6 dependents on your subscription, for a total of 7 members.

No – Your concierge specialist can only negotiate medical bills incurred after joining the Revolt Health Network. 

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